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Y Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1 presentation down already....still left 4 reflections and 2 assignments...still alot to do...haven started anything at all...feel so busy now.....class test coming soon....exams coming soon....everything all coming soon...and i am still in my slacky mode...cannot liao...must start doing something.

have our presentation today...not very well done....must edit abit more then just submit to the lecturer...hahah that's all,happily drinking my earl grey tea now (:

7:22 PM

Y Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Today counted a peaceful day.... went to school early to teach sam her stats but end up talking....after that went to mac to have lunch....took a cab there and the uncle purposely go one big round and we ended up paying 6 bucks when it only cost half the price to reach there...after that went for lesson....started listening to the lecturer and copy some notes....but after that slowly started to stop copying and started chatting....and the lecturer started banging the table to keep us quiet.hahah so funny when he keep banging the table.hahhah ended lesson earlier...

when we are walking to cross the overhead bridge to take a bus home, we saw our bus and we started running like idiots starting from the opposite side of the bus stop and we have to rush up to the overhead bridge before we reach the bus stop.but lucky we manage to catch the bus or not we have to wait for another 20-30 minutes.It's so cramp in the bus but slowly i manage to get a sit after sam went down....

today started to check our temperature....the teachers were standing ouside the gate to take our temperature one by one...hahah 36.2 degrees...hahah i was cold blooded.hahaha the good thing is we no need to bring our thermometer... that's all again blog again soon....

10:39 PM

Y Monday, May 4, 2009

took my diploma cert already now left finishing my advance diploma cert before i start to go into the real society.hahah I sound so serious.hahah. This term is quite a busy term. the assignments given is like so hard lah.hahhah no choice must finish also. Today in class was quite shitty cos the class that they have given us is like so noisy as they are doing some construction outside and we were having our financial mangement lecture and we cannot hear what the lecturer was talking and end up i went to complain during break and then they help us change our class...damn stupid lah. we complain already on last friday and still they give us back the same room...

hoping for another 1 week holiday which will be in may... but mostly that time will be rushing my last minute assignment bah..... today at least started to do something...last few weeks have been watching shows.hahah korean version of boys over flowers....hahah finish it in 3 days...hahah so fast hahah...KIMBUM is so cute...i am so crazy over him...ahahahh want to learn korean language.......hahah anybody got any book about learning it can tell me where to buy (: ....ok will blog again soon......

10:14 PM

Y Monday, April 6, 2009

Yesterday watch abit of final destination shown in the television.abit of disgusting but it's a nice show.so i intend to watch the first few parts.......
today went to chinatown to have lunch with mingyi, samantha and fangyi. Had dumplings and xiao long bao.....it was super nice to eat.ate there for a few times already.....After that went for fish spa.....it was itchy at the start but will get use to it after a few minutes, taking away my dead skins.hahaha....after that it rain very heavily and we intend to take a cab to school.But first we went to KOI to buy milk tea then bought some other finger food to eat.shop for a while then we went to queue up for cab.
Lucky we are not late for lesson.hahaha.....lesson was so super boring. the lecturer speak in a monotone voice and the timing was like just nice for a afternoon nap.so halfway i decided to shut down and stop listening to his lecture.....hahaha but end up he praise us for being so "guai".hahahaha so funny lah.hahah ok that's all. waiting for mingyi to send me the photos during the fish spa......

10:47 PM

Y Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finally end one torturous week..... all those lectures and tutorials can kill me. saw alot of memories just now in my secondary school in my old phone as my brother spoiled his phone and used my old phone.....all the messages and everything are still in that phone.Look through it make me want to go back to those old days..

hahha sound so sad man.hahaha many things to do and busy man. I want to have a very long break !!!!! and lastly.... I don't like my new class..espacially one irritating idiot who keep looking at us when we talk abit. that sucker. only she can talk then others cannot talk.only know how to scold fuck only.such loser man.hahaha resting time now (:

12:25 AM

Y Sunday, March 22, 2009

finally feel like updating my blog le...
it has been 1/2 a month that i update my blog.....

tomorrow is the 1st day of my advance diploma and yes i have finished my diploma and i have got back all my results and i had passed all.now is only left taking my cert only.
our first day was orientation and mingyi says that they will bring us walk around the whole school which is quite boring as i have known the whole school upside down.
confirm sure have to do some stupid introduction then after that will go home.a slack day for me tomorrow.will some of my classmates from dip in my new class bah.

just came from a camp last week.did not sleep well there but the camp was fun. waiting for those photos from sherry and hanwen.haha johnson was also waiting for it so hope they will sent it to us soon....... that's all.see when i feel like updating then i will update....now finding a new blogskin, tired of my old one.

9:09 PM

Y Friday, November 21, 2008

stupid blogger.just now want to log in then it go crazy say tat my password is wrong.make me waste time resetting 1 more password.dumb.sian 2 assignment have to be handed in by 3rd n 5th dec respectively.which means tat we only have 2 weeks left to rush our assaignment.then the qns also not easy make us waste so much time to research then still cannot find.then the law module assignment today just give us only.tat means the whole of nxt week i have to keep going to library to research.
today still quite a nice day,the lesson not so boring le.haha but during afternoon still will feel very tired as i'm used to take a nap in the afternoon.haha nvm at least no so bad lah today.ok tat's all. tmr still have to go back for law lesson.but be4 tat will be meeting my friends to eat mac be4 going to sch.haha bye

10:53 PM